- 参考财政援助清单并完成必要的步骤. Because of comprehensive federal changes to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the processes and terminology associated with that application through the FAFSA Simplification Act, we anticipate the FAFSA will be available in December 2023 for students who are applying for admission for Fall 2024.
- 如果你还没有参观过校园,那就安排一次参观. 我们随时欢迎你!
- 填写并提交必要的入学表格.
- 在5月1日之前提交入学保证金,确认您的入学意向.
- Receive and accept (or decline) portions of your Financial Aid Offer; sign and return it to the Office of 学生财务服务.
- IMPORTANT: Send official final transcripts from your high school or transfer institution showing either the date of high school graduation or, 为转移, 完成你的转学课程.
- 制定参加新生培训的计划.
- Stretch those Hawk wings and congratulate yourself on making a great decision for your future!
A: New freshmen and transfer students are placed in classes for the first semester by the Office of Academic Affairs. After you receive your schedule you may make changes during a designated time period, if necessary.
A:别担心! Exploring and finding new paths for your life are what a liberal arts education is all about. 如果你没有选择专业,你就会成为一名“未选择专业”的学生. 有一些经过挑选的顾问,他们会为那些尚未确定专业的学生提供咨询服务. 他们会帮助你选择一个适合你的兴趣、目标和才能的专业.
A: Roommates are selected on the basis of your responses to the roommate questionnaire in the housing forms you complete.
A:如果你和一个朋友选择住在一起, you must both indicate that you would like to room with each other on your respective housing forms. 新生和新生住在一起.
A: Roommates are selected by the Office of Residential Communities and communicated to students toward the end of summer. 收到通知后, you should be in touch with your roommate in order to coordinate what you will bring to the room, 以及dsamac(如果这对你很重要的话).
A:你的房间分配伴随着你室友的信息. You can learn about room dimensions and more about the halls under the 校园生活/Residence Life section of the website.
A: Yes. 你的通勤费包括基本的通勤膳食计划, 提供弹性美元供您在各种校园餐饮场所使用. 如果你想增加你的通勤膳食计划, 请参阅学生财务服务信息的杂项购买部分.
答:适用于2016年以后的新生和转学生, 书籍和信息资源都包含在你的学费中. 您的书籍和信息资源将在迎新活动中分发.
A: We put together a fairly comprehensive list of what you can pack for college under the Residence Life section of the website, 但是每个学生都会带上适合自己兴趣和需要的物品.
答:两个问题都是. 停车规则由校园保安控制.
1500 E. 费尔文大街.
Final transcripts must be mailed directly from your high school or college to the 十大菠菜靠谱平台招生办公室, 必须在迎新会前收到.
- 校园居住证合同—must be completed by each incoming traditional day student who wishes to live in campus housing.
- 如有疑问或需要帮助,请联系住宅社区办公室, (334) 833-4566 or res.life@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu.
- 通勤的应用程序—must be completed by each incoming traditional day student who meets the eligibility requirements to either commute from a home/permanent residence or from another off-campus residence.
- 如有疑问或需要帮助,请联系住宅社区办公室, (334) 833-4566 or res.life@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu.
温馨的十大菠菜靠谱平台之家 are special days set aside for deposited students to enjoy some time in your new college home. 日程安排允许你(欢迎你的家人), as well) to share a meal in the dining hall; put on comfy walking shoes and tour the campus and residence halls; meet some of your new classmates; talk with current students, faculty, and coaches; and ask any questions you’d like to ask. 放松点,别拘束! 请选择一个可用的日期2024年6月20日星期四,或2024年7月17日星期三. Attending a 亲爱的十大菠菜靠谱平台家 event will also help you get a head start on fall semester, completing most of the paperwork and eliminating some of the steps you would otherwise have at check-in. 不要错过HSH!
取向 is generally held the Thursday through Sunday of the week prior to the beginning of classes for the fall term. 2024迎新日期将于2024年春季公布.
所有新生都必须参加, 十大菠菜靠谱平台的迎新计划允许你在课程开始前安顿下来. 更多信息即将发布!
如果您有任何疑问,您的入学顾问将很乐意帮助您: (334) 833-4497 | admission@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu.
- 第二阶段:2020年7月23日
- 免疫接种证明
- 政府签发的带照片的身份证件或有效的驾驶执照
在秋季开学前的周五和周六上课, Big Red Weekend is a mandatory event for incoming freshmen and is highly encouraged for incoming transfer students, 居民和通勤者. BRW为新生提供了许多活动,包括I的分发.D. cards, 笔记本电脑, and books and information resources; academic information sessions; social and service events; and time to get to know your classmates and your college home. New resident students (who have not already moved in for fall sports or other commitments) move into their residence hall rooms on the Friday of BRW.
你已经花了你的学生的整个生命准备他或她的下一步. 感谢您信任十大菠菜靠谱平台作为您学生的学院之家.
在十大菠菜靠谱平台,每个学生的成功是我们所做的一切的焦点. As you see ways where we can improve our services or provide information that you can’t find on our website, 请通知我们 news@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu. If you would like to receive important communications from the College meant for parents of traditional day students, 请花一点时间完成这个 家长沟通及资料表格. 也可以看看我们的 参考表 of offices and reasons why these offices are generally contacted to help answer any questions you may have.